To [email protected]. 23.02.2017
Dear Sirs,
Civil society organization Association of Free Journalists «Nature First» (Kyiv, Ukraine) hereby applies to you with an information request.
We became aware about the Kyiv Zoo’s intention to restore its membership with EAZA. We welcome this initiative, because the well-being of the Zoo collection animals and safeguarding of wild species are very important for us, but we would like to ask you to provide information regarding an animal protection issue.
The territory of the Zoo hosts stray cats which were abandoned by unknown abusers. Since 2010 we have been taking care for cats, first and foremost neutering them to regulate their population by humane methods. Within the framework of Kyiv Municipal Program for humane regulation of stray animals (approved in 2007) and considering the legal protection of animals (the Law of Ukraine «On protection of animals against cruel treatment», European Convention on the Protection of Pet Animals ratified by the Law of Ukraine No. 578-VII (578-18) dated 18.09.2013) the project «Support to the Kyiv Zoo cats», is operating, which is widely covered in the social media and backed up by international animal protection organizations. For several years we have been requesting the Zoo Directorate to allocate a part of the territory for the cats’ habitat, which is separated from the collection animals, with mandatory enclosure of the territory with the fence and complete isolation of cats from other animals.
However, the Kyiv Zoo replies to us that EAZA’s stance is to fully remove the cats from the Zoo territory.
Please kindly inform us about the following:
Which specific document by EAZA contains the explanation whether stray animals are allowed to live on the territory of EAZA member zoos?
Are there documents containing the list of requirements to the Kyiv Zoo which mention/clarify the issue of the stray animals accommodation on the zoo territory?
Is it acceptable to allow the stray animals accommodation of the territory of EAZA member zoos under the strict control of the custodians and solely within the territory isolated from the collection animals area?
Best regards,
Oleg Andros,
Deputy Head of the CSO AFJ “Nature First”.